5th grade yearbook dedications
Dedication sales are now OPEN!
To secure and pay for your dedication click HERE.
If you checked the box and paid $10 extra to have your dedication created for you, click HERE to fill out the form and submit your photos.
For those of you creating your own dedications, for your convenience, we have created a few templates to make the process of designing your own easier. (You do not have to use any of these, you may create your own 4.25 x 5.5 inch image) Click the links below for each template. You will need a (free) Canva account to utilize them. You can change colors, fonts, move things around, delete things - the creative possibilities are endless!
(1 landscape & 1 portrait image)
Submit your completed dedication HERE.
E-mail walkerstarsptamckinney@gmail.com with any questions.